Is exercising before bed really bad for sleep?

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Many people have probably heard that. Exercising before bedtime is something that should be avoided. Because before bedtime is the time when we should relax our bodies and avoid vigorous activities. so that we can fall asleep easily

Usually during falling asleep. The body will begin to adapt to sleep conditions. The body temperature will drop. Your heart will beat more slowly. and brain frequencies will gradually decrease.UFABET 

But while exercising,  the body’s adjustment will be in the opposite direction. The body’s temperature will rise. heart beats faster including the body will The hormone adrenaline (Adrenaline) is released, which helps the body feel alert. For this reason, many people may think that exercising before bed will affect us. It’s more difficult to sleep.

However, from many studies it has been found that Young, healthy people who exercise before bed are less likely to have sleep problems. And have sleep health that is no different from people who don’t exercise before bed. If the sport or activity is moderate exercise And there is time for the body to rest for at least 90 minutes before going to bed.

Therefore, exercising before bed may not be a problem for sleep. If you choose the right sport or activity and have enough time for your body to adjust before bed.